Ritzwebhosting Warranty
Money Back Guarantee
With ritzwebhosting customers never ask for the refund as we have the best customer support.But still customers who are not satisfied from our services can take a money back within 15 days of the purchase.For more information about money back gurantee click on this link
99.9% Server Uptime
We provide 99.9% uptime on our shared hosting.We use latest Raid3 Technology in our server.All our servers are multi core servers .To our shared hosting clients also we provide same server features as we provide to our VPS and Dedicated Server clients.
Linux Hosting
Reseller Features
Unlimited Bandwidth
CPanel *Latest
WHMCS Client Interface
Ritzwebhosting Warranty
Free Customer Support
Stat & Analytics
Quick Script Installer
Ecommerse Features
Server Specification
POP3/ Webmail
Programming Languages
Unlimited FTP
Cron Jobs
DNS Management
Our Technologies