Cpanel Latest
ritzwebhosting provides latest cpanel version with our linux hosting. You get latest features in our cpanel with latest stats like bandwidth management,file manager,MySQL Databases Management with latest Fantastico .You can set up unlimited cpanel accounts from your panel with easy ftp axcess for uploading the websites.It comes with so many third party scripts which you can use free of cost.
For a demo of our latest cpanel click this link and have a tour of our latest cpanel
For a demo of our latest cpanel click this link and have a tour of our latest cpanel
Linux Hosting
Reseller Features
Unlimited Bandwidth
CPanel *Latest
WHMCS Client Interface
ritzwebhosting Warranty
Free Customer Support
Stat & Analytics
Quick Script Installer
Ecommerse Features
Server Specification
POP3/ Webmail
Programming Languages
Unlimited FTP
Cron Jobs
DNS Management
Our Technologies