Dedicated Server

A dedicated server is a type of hosting in which the customer leases the entire server that is not shared with anyone. This is a technique where the load on one dedicated server is distributed among the two dedicated servers. In this way the load on one server is also distributed and makes the server performance better. This is also more flexible than shared hosting. The owner of dedicated server has the full control over the server(s) and also have the choice of operating system, hardware etc. Server administration is usually provided by the hosting provider company.
Dedicated servers are mostly kept in data centers, similar to collocation facilities providing redundant and uninterrupted power source and HVAC system. Dedicated servers have much more facilities than a load balancing dedicated server.
Dedicated hosting is a type of hosting where only one website is hosted in the entire server and the user has total control and uses over the server. Users don't have to share web space, bandwidth or any feature with other website. Normally a dedicated hosting is required when you expect a heavy amount of traffic to your website and more bandwidth. You can also have multiple domains in your dedicated hosting server. Dedicated web hosting service has the full control over your website and also provides the facility to choose operating system.
Users should have the required technical skill to use the dedicated server hosting properly and must also make sure that their website is monitored constantly to maintain security. However the dedicated hosting provider companies almost provide the help, technical support and service if you don't have the proper knowledge to use your dedicated servers.
The important facts that make you to determine that which operating system is offered on your dedicated server are price and employee. Normally Linux and Unix (open source operating systems) are often included at no charge to the customer. If you are looking for commercial operating systems, that include Microsoft Windows Server, is provided through a special program called Microsoft SPLA. Red Hat Enterprise is a commercial version of Linux offered to hosting providers on a monthly fee basis.
In a dedicated server bandwidth refers to the data transfer rate that means the data can be carried from one point to other in a given period of time (generally a second) and represented in bits of data transferred in a second.
Regarding the management of dedicated servers (that includes operating system updates, server monitoring, application updates, technical support, firewall update, antivirus updates, security audits and more) no industry standards have been set to clearly define the management role of dedicated server providers. This means each hosting provider follow the industry standard terms but they define that in different way.
So using a dedicated hosting server service may be an easy way for you if you have the skill and knowledge to use it properly. The advantages of dedicated Hosting are worth for your large business hosting, it also can save your time in server management so that you can grow your business and generate a high profit through it.
Dedicated Server Type
Linux Single Processor
Windows Single Processor
Linux Dual Processor
Windows Dual Processor
Linux Quad Processor
Windows Quad Processor
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